Stake i3D Tokens for High APY

Stake your transferred i3D Tokens to maximize value and ROI

Copy URL

Copy and Paste this Staking URL to your Web 3 Wallet Browser if you are on your mobile device

i3D Staking Platform

Enter the CryptoDo Staking Platform if you are on your computer and have your Web 3 Extension Installed

Staking Smart Contract Platform by CryptoDo

Smart Contracts provide a Trustless environment where all parties can interact and transact with confidence and transparency

Staking Contract Address: 0x0B79710D442eF91fc538eA3c8774fa2F2311d332

5 Levels of Staking

Select how many days you want to Stake your i3D Tokens

5 Levels of APY Rewards

Your reward APY depends on what Lock Period you staked

Create Liquidity

To create Liquidity and Stability with a Transfer and Staking Rewards Program